We are here for YOU and YOUR PETS transporting needs. Whether you are moving, snowbirding, vacationing or getting a new four-legged family member, EXPRESS PET MOVERS is the family company you can count on!
EXPRESS PET MOVERS offers the pet-parent the peace of mind that your fur-babies are safe and comfy, transported by a loving care-giver who treats your pets as if they were their own.
We offer a variety of transport options:
A private trip is when your pets are the only animals in the vehicle. You choose the exact date and time that you want your driver to arrive for the transport. You decide how the baby is transported. As the Pet-parent, you are leasing out the entire vehicle and may send along any of your pets belongings (or include any of your personal valuables) as long as it doesn’t impede your pets space and comfort.
We will fly to your closest airport and pick up your cat or dog (airline restrictions apply) and fly them to the destination airport handing them off to you or your agent. We can also pick up and/or deliver directly to and from your home from the airport.
Sometimes when you are moving across the country or to a different state, not only do you need to think about the moving of your pets & belongings but you need to find a way to also ship your vehicle. EXPRESS PET MOVERS now offers the service of CAR & PET transports. We will fly to you and pickup your Pets AND your vehicle to deliver them to your destination. This saves you the stress of having to ship your vehicle separately and we handle it for you in one full move. There are restrictions regarding your vehicle, such as age and maintenance. Just Ask Us Now!
EXPRESS PET MOVERS provides transports to ALL States in the continental United States!